Wednesday 28 September 2011

Chapter 6 - Ballroom.

I was teetering on the brink of sleep until I was awoken by the screen door of our carriage sliding open. The twins started to pout, so I had a pretty good idea who was going to walk through the door. I scowled as Wood smiled at me, but in the pit of my stomach I felt something, a little nagging, pulling sensation that drew me to him.  I'd never felt it before, and I didn't like it. It made me feel funny, kind of jittery? He went to sit on his bed, and I pulled the sheets back over me as I lay down. For the first time in ages I felt warm, happy and comforted. What did this mean?

Please play this whilst reading...   

As I plunged into brightly colored scenarios and delicious memory's, a quaint piano piece played, growing and growing, pulling me closer and closer into a ball room. There was a gigantic Chandler sparkling, pooling delicate yellow-white light onto the dance floor, penetrating the auburn wood, like a kaleidoscope, it spread jewel like patterns on the parquet floor. The ceiling was gold crested and grand with faces and flowers intertwining into a moving pattern.

Outside there were small clipped bushes and green lawns looking out onto the sea. A small breeze pattered at the windows and the sun was setting. There was one wall lined with ancient books in varying shades of green, red, gold and brown. But, all of this detail and beauty couldn't make me take my eyes of a couple, dancing very slowly, round and round.

The man, tall and handsome, grasped the tiny lady in his long tanned arms, guiding, twisting and twirling her. He had a amazingly distinct jaw bone and ruffled mousy hair. The woman had very long very deep red hair, twisted up into a high bun, pearls perching in her pristine locks. She had deep round green eyes and very pail skin. She was also tall and slim, with delicate features and small feet. They danced faster and faster in circles and lines, perfectly in sync and never braking eye contact.

I awoke, to the slow realization that that dancing girl was me. And that the man, as much as I hated to admit it was Wood. The same Wood, sleeping peacefully below me.
He sighed at precisely the same time as I did, and when I drifted back to sleep only one face kept appearing, and it belonged to him.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Chapter 5 - Leprechaun water.

As I stepped respectfully into the carriage I noticed that one of the bunks was already occupied by two twin girls. They both had heaps of satiny straight hair, in a honey golden color, that fell to there shoulders. They had both deep brown eyes and eyebrows, just next to there petite noses were small beauty spots that made them look very European. They were short and of an average weight, but what I noticed most was there clothes. They showed of there background, and presumably money with quaint jeans and tight fitting tops, silver earrings and expensive shoes. They seemed silly and as though they had never really been exposed to the hardships of life. They were in for a big shock.

One of them, the one in the top bunk shattered the cool, calm atmosphere by squealing..
'OHH! Your just so lucky!'
'You weealy are!' The other one wined, I noticed she had a small lisp and tried with all my might to ignore it.
'Why?' I asked wearily
'Your on the bunk above Woood!' explained the first girl.
'Which means he's your quest companion TO!' Chimed in the other.
'Why is that so great?' I asked, still slightly confused.
The girls titter to them selves, and I decided to ignore them. They were just obnoxious. As I started to clime the ladder to my bunk however the braver of the two girls informed me that he was 'teen heart throb of the year, according to pink potions magazine!' My heart sank. This meant I was going to be stuck with a teen heart throb, for who knows how long? I bet he doesn't even know how to shoot a bow and arrow, let alone what the killing curse is.
'He's an idiot' I told them, with my back turned, I could just imagine the shocked look on there faces, tears forming in there perfect eyes.
I climbed up and onto my bed.

Sitting on my pillow was a brown rucksack, it was small and inconspicuous, I tried to lift it but on the contrary to first appearances it was so heavy it almost broke my arm. I cast a weightless spell, and pulled the bag over to me. Inside there was a scroll of paper that I presumed would soon become the map, on witch we would rely to take us to the final destination! There were also some normal things, a thin sleeping bag, in a particularly putrid shade of plum, a compass and what looked to be a days supply of food. Then, as I rummaged further I came across two things that caught my eye. The first was a meticulously carved glass file, shimmering and sending little flecks of light all over the room, it was filled with a delicious looking substance, with the color of both gold and silver intertwined. I knew instantly that it was Unicorn blood, a healer for almost any illness or injury. The last thing in the bag was another glass file, this one substantially larger, in fact around the same size and my head. It contained a completely clear substance, that looked at first like plain water, but on closer inspection seemed much thicker. I popped the top off the bottle and sniffed. Warm sun speckled memory's came back of long summer evenings drinking peach nectar. It smelled almost exactly the same...almost. It smelled slightly metallic, almost like a chemical but still sweet some how. I took a small tentative sip. At first it felt as though my whole insides had been plunged into freezing, delicious water, then as that wore off i felt more refreshed than I had ever felt before. It as if I had just drank for ages and ages and couldn't even contemplate drinking anything else.

I was interrupted in my rapture by one of the twins.
'y'no, you should save that for the quest' One of them said snidely, as if they cared what happened to me on the quest.
'What is it?' I replied
'its leprechaun water!' squealed one,
'haven't you ever tried it' inquired the other?
'not until now no..' I answered, irritably.
They looked at each other and then back at me, with what only can be described as scorn. I placed my rucksack at the foot of my bed and went to inspect the neatly stacked clothes that had been under the rucksack. There were cargoes, short sleeved and sleeveless tops, shorts and a balaclava. We were obviously going somewhere warm. I wondered idly what the balaclava was for, but didn't give it much thought. I packed the clothes into my rucksack and lay down on my bed, waiting for sleep to enclose me into its tight grasp.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Chapter 4 - Wood.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder,
'Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you..'
I turned round and looked straight into the same strange hazel eyes that had been watching me this morning.
'who are you?'
'Wood, wood green.' The boy said in a rich well rounded accent.
'As in Wood, son of umm?' The name was on the tip of my tong but I couldn't quite place it.
'Yeh, but, well were not on speaking terms, at the moment.'
'sorry to hear that..'
I kept getting distracted by hoe distinct beauty, the curve of his lips was perfect and his tousled mousy hair looked as though it had been styled by a professional.
'why were you staring at me earlier?' I asked, harshly.
'I didn't mean to upset you!' he stammered.
'I never said you did, I just asked why?'
He let out a low sigh which made me feel as if my probing was annoying him.
'you remind me of someone..' he replied.
There was silence for a moment before he broke it by asking me what carriage I was in.
'32 I think' I looked round at the compartment door we were standing next to, it was number 37 and laughed.
'whats so funny?'
'Nothing, it just, well I just came to far..'
'We came to far...I'm in carriage 32 aswell'
There was an awkward silence, both of us making a point not to look at the other, pretending to be contented looking at the wooden walls.
'I'm gunna go unpack'
'Need any help' He asked kindly, if a little annoyingly. since when did I ever need help?
'don't be patronizing' I snapped and walked back down the corridor, leaving him standing there confused as to what he had done wrong. When I got into the carriage I restrained myself form slamming the door.

Brightly colored,  distinctive birds flew across the walls every few minutes and flowers of a crisp fresh nature swayed idly in the breeze. Tiny snow flakes caressed the enormous mountain, making it look as though it was dusted with icing sugar. If you got close enough you could smell the wild flowers, it was a delicious almost medicinal scent that brought back memories of days spent picnicking and flying broomsticks without a care in the world.

There was one sparse tree that looked as though it should be long dead, but was in fact still standing. Wind brought a fresh sent and cool atmosphere to the carriage and the large white sun made the room incredibly bright. A wooden floor, polished like the one outside in the corridor swept the room into a deep chestnut color and two bunk beads sprang from its depths.

The bunk beds were adorned with amazing linens and silks that soothed the skin and aided sleep. The pillows were made of petite  grouse feathers and the duvets also. I had  never been to anywhere like this. And I never wanted to leave.

Friday 23 September 2011

Chapter 3 - Family.

The corridors were lined with doors, leading to compartments and storage cupboards alike. When I saw someone else walking down the corridor I would duck into the crevices, so as to not be seen. I was in no mood for conversation. The good byes were horrid, but at least I could just focus on Lillian, thees other kids were crying over there parents, siblings and other relations. I ran my hand along the shiny wood walls and let my mind drift.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Chapter 2 - Fair is foul and foul is fair.

I walked over to a young warlock who seemed like he knew what he was doing.
'Sir, miss umm, Miss Lydia sent us over to you, she said you had some questions for us?'
'Right you are! I'm going to ask you three veery simple questions, Ok?'
He didn't wait for me to reply, and plowed on with his pre-prepared speech.
'Fist off, where would you like to be sent to, on this quest? The arctic, a forest, the desert or a mountain?'
What kind of twisted thing was this? the desert?
'Gosh..I, I don't know.'
'Understandable, however, I'm going to have to rush you..'
'The mountain..?'
'Ok THEN! Now for another verry simple question! what familiar do you have?'
'A tabby'
'Right..noted! And, lastly, do you have any special ability's that you already know of?'
'Not that I know of, yet?' I mumbled.
'Brilliant! FABULOUS! Now, your free to go and find a seat and wait for Lydia to make another speech!'

I shuffled over to a lumpy seat,  and closed my eyes. I didn't want all of this extravagance, all of this fake joy. Everyone knew that the people they were chatting to now would probably be dead in a few days, and it showed. I opened my eyes as Lydia started to speak again.

'Hello again, budding witches and warlocks! Now, before we depart from this room to the carriages we have set out for you I would like to go through the rules! The aim of this quest, and yes, there is only one! Is to follow the map to a designated meeting point and make it there ALIVE. We will not accept witches or warlocks that need life support, have bad head injuries or, and this apply to you young witches, are pregnant. As for the rules, there is, again only one! That fair is foul and foul is fair!' Throughout the speech she seemed to be getting more and more exited, in fact she almost sang the last line.

As everyone wandered away it was as if no one would allow what they had just heard to sink in, they were blocking it from there minds, placing it into a deadlocked vault, out of harms way. It was probably for the best. I walked over to the window whilst the others were queuing to find out what carriage and bunk they had been assigned. I liked flying, however I think I preferred it on a broom, you could feel the wind whooshing through your hair and your eyes dripping with tears!

I watched as quaint villages and teal lakes were replaced by sharp rocks and waist land. I watched and waited until the windows were blacked out and I was called over to register. As I sidled over to the line I saw someone watching me, he was tall and muscular with strange hazel eyes and a very distinct jaw bone. I tried to ignore him as I pushed my way to the front of the queue, and prepared myself for another bombardment of questions from a 'Lydia type person'. Instead, however I was greeted by an old administration witch...

'Whats your name dear?'
Sunny I replied, a little shakily, I always hated being watched. I gave the boy a scowl, and turned back to the elderly witch.
'Cabin 32, top bunk, which is...number 64.'
Th, thank you, I stuttered, whilst turning round. I began to walk away but she grasped my hand.
'Don't worry dear, everyone's  a little nervous at this stage' She smiled a sympathetic, guilty smile, and I smiled back. Then I walked away, fast. I didn't want anyone to see the pricking of tears in my eyes, I'm not weak.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Chapter 1 - Wand.

I had saved this one till last. It was the lightest, slimmest present, wrapped in gilded gold paper and sealed with a sticking charm. I ripped it open with a delicious thwap. There was only one word, printed in extravagant silver writing on a tag that matched the wrapping paper. As I read it a pang of excitement ran through my stomach. It said...
To be honest I couldn't believe my eyes. How had this wand been chosen for me? It felt to grand, soft beach wood had been intricately carved into a spectacular wand and my familiar, a tabby cat called Tobias, was carved into the handle with polished emeralds replacing her bright eyes. The rest of the wand was speckled with very neat, very precise five tipped stars. I loved it.
However, after I had studied it for a while my stomach once again developed the cold, sickly feeling that had consumed me for the past few days. I started to pull my unruly knee-length hair into a plat, away from my sticky, sweaty face, just for something to do. This waiting. Waiting and waiting was the worst.
'SUNNY!' Aunt Isis called, making me drop my plat and causing me to be even more jumpy. 'The train leaves in ten mints, are you ready to go?'
Of course I'm not ready to go sunny thought to her self, since when had any fourteen year old been 'ready' to go on there coming of age quest?
'Yes Aunt Isis' I replied, in a monotone voice so as not to show how nervous I was.
I started down the stairs, shuffling my feat and playing with my newly acquired wand. I wanted to say bye to Lillian before I went.
God. Please God, let me make this out alive. I have to protect Lillian, I have to be here for her.
I walked over, and gave Lillian a brief hug.
'Sunny, stay safe.' She wisperd.
'I will, I will!' I laughed, lying through my teeth.
'Ok then'
She wasn't having any of this 'I'll be fine malarkey' and I knew it, but there wasn't anything I could do. When I got on that train it might be the last time we saw each other, and I knew it

When we got to the greetings carriage of the train we were all asked to sit, and listen to a young witch with long golden locks and a fake smile.
'Hello all of you budding witches and warlocks! My name is Lydia and I am your group leader this year! Now, as you all probably know, your all here to pass a biig quest! but don't fret darlings! I'm sure you'll ALL be just fine!'
At this moment she gave us a big wink, it repulsed me. To the pit of my stomach.
'Before we begin on this exiting adventure however, I need you guys to make some biig choices. If you can all go and have a friendly chat with one of the other members of staff, pardon the pun, dotted around the room they will ask you some simple questions! Good luck!'